Thursday, May 17, 2018

One True Earth Doll Celebration

To think thy World

One Earth Doll Celebration

When the dolls of heaven combined to one
doll makers lined up with  applause.
Jarm of the Andes Doll Hang came
that hung from a thousand heights.
He invented Doll Hang out of nothing, 

Four Corners Navajo Naj came too.
He invented Two Toots Doll and Butterfly 
 and of course, Prayer Doll that gave offense 
that people thought Christian and surreal  
but Naj referred to First Mesa wise
 where a sing was held to divulge.

Other doll makers attended like Nach,
that have tribal names.  
Nach from Vegas was an entertainment doll, 
and Tower Doll and Big Lights Doll 
with thousands of people milling. 
He also invented Rain Doll, a departure from the main. 

Rain Doll shed tears over Vegas. 
and Tower Doll used as a mister 
and a fountain by Hilton, 
but I don't have to tell for you have seen.

Dolls came from four directions, 
so the other maker was Laugher Doll
not a clown so much as a sound. 
Dolls don't all have figures. Dolls can be thunder. 
Dolls can be water. Dolls can be creosote
outside cities that sway to music 
made by other wind dolls
and tree dolls if you know what I mean.

Laugher Doll wore a big smile hung for the proceedings
with Benediction Theology Doll
Laugher laughed. Children liked him most. 
He pointed at all the lumbering fat walks and laughed. 
He spread his arms at the clouds and laughed.
Most dolls are children anyway, 
so what's the deal? Anyway thay was the scene 
at celebrating the One True Doll.

After, we issued Pol Pot dolls, as left and right demand.  
On the left they make good counterpoint,  
for darts to sware at, ridiculed in place of life 
and on the right prayed that those good days  
when things were simple and people knew their place 
to be alive to drink a beer would out.  
Dolls restore vitality to neighbors.

That invigoration when you risk your life
to walk 10 miles for bread 
or crawl from collapsed buildings 
puts meaning not in penny slots. 
Penny slots means words TV columnists & hosts
to protect Pol Pots in this partial list
where names are changed to protect. 
The names will follow the dolls.

Lasty’s Doll Helpers


Lasty as a doll maker is functionally illiterate but can fix.
In his life as a doll maker he did the best,
for dolls come in all colors and needed to be retouched.
If dolls come up short Lasty has a leg.
Dolls need a new voice or maybe they can't speak for themselves at all, 
Lasty talks. What does he say? We want to know.
Is he a little old man with a white mustache and beard in slender patchwork
 like his dolls or one of those figures from fairy tale?

If you ask the dolls they say good things.
They flutter big eyes, call him Mama,
 do a lot of ticking.
He bathes them like children in the tub.
He feeds them and they wet.
They wet and get changed.
It sounds like Lasty's a dad but he's not at all.
He doesn't interfere in their lives.
He sets them free.
One is put on a wall for all to see
and then she disappears.
She goes home to visit the baby Jones.
He puts them in swings in the school at night
and in the morning children pack them away.
He puts them in little cars, for Lasty’s a mechanic,
and in boats and puts them on canals
and on lakes with the swans to sail
 and when they come in to shore
the children take them home.
That's what children do according to Lasty,
take dolls home. 
When doll children first came to Lasty's house
before he was a doll maker,
he had heard of dolls and his grandmother made dolls
so Lasty started and before you knew
he had Saturday giveaways.
 People would stand five deep at his door
and he would wheel out dolls with plastic bats
 and fur coats, red shoes and pumpernickel colored hats.
 Dolls that graduated from college too
 came with degrees printed in frames around their necks.
 “I'm a Harvard doll,” one ticket said.
“No you're not,” her companion resaid.

Some of these dolls have pets who talk,
 little grasshoppers and snails that live under polls
 which argue until you put leashes on them
 and then they behave pretty well to get their treats.
 Some dolls have babies and that can cost a lot.
So here all these people were
if you can call dolls standing at Lasty's door
 and getting all the dolls they could carry,
 because if you haven't noticed before
 there are more dolls than girls in the world
and more dolls than children
and more dolls even than  rhetoricians with guns
 who are waiting for you to disagree 
 before they pull the button.
Dolls with zippers don't do that, but there are not many zipper dolls.

Lasty got a cab for one of his dolls.
She was large and wouldn't fit in his wagon.
She sent her night clubbing in Bodale where all dolls live
who can't come into Lasty's store.
 Not everybody is a doll maker, but Lasty is not the only one.

Many live in Bodale along the rivers and swamps.
What does a doll maker in a swamp?
Have you heard of Swamp Doll
and Fire Fly Doll, Mosquito and Fly Doll or Tree Doll?
In this world of ours there are many dolls and many needs for dolls.
Consider what the nations do to get them
dog dolls, cat dolls, bird dolls, bug dolls all,
and even playhouse dolls with a plastic frig. 

Lasty lives under that pine tree there
and when his dolls come home from an evening out he has hot milk.
And if they bring a friend, all the better, for Lasty is looking for helpers.
Doll helpers are hard to find in a world
 where everybody is busy being important.
But what is more important that building and fixing dolls
so they can inhabit the world?

A lot of doll barns need mending.
A lot of doll apprentices are being trained.
Doll memoirs need to be written.
Doll writers sit at doll desks, at doll screens in Ad companies
and mortgage dolls write policies
and making decisions on doll phones
that affect a lot in doll world home .

Too bad to say dolls go to war.
We blame that on boy dolls.
 But when he gives them little doll girls you know what they do.
So somebody has to step in and tell them what.
That's how Lasty got to be a doll instructor.
 He gave manner classes. He taught doll history.

It's a good thing Lasty didn't have to work for a living.
He wouldn't have had time.
Lasty was teaching dolls the trumpet.
Lasty was teaching dolls to mow lawns.
You can see that dolls have to make a living.
In Bodale they made doll money, but it was very hard to get.

Doll Makers 

Doll makers preface everything with doll,
 doll futures, doll light, doll wonders. Doll love. 
What can't a doll do? And why not, who's to say
 this is not the proper use of dolls, to stand in for ourselves?
Who says dolls don't have people makers making them
with people futures, people light or love?
 But then you're going to ask whether that can apply to ducks.
And this is just the animate. 
Imagine when we mix the living and the dead, 
work on as we speak; non-living comes to life with just 1% of DNA
 and there will be new ugly fish, wish-rider. 
This world has such people working, mixing and matching. 
So why get excited about doll makers, so much more modest in endeavor?
We doll makers make dolls.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Lasty's Happy New Year

Many have written in to see what Lasty posts, 
but he doesn't post and you see why, 
he has to be outside feeding hungry boys. 
There are mallow flowers and hibiscus to pick
 and mulberry leaves and grass to mow
 and all the dolls are running on the lawn, 
jumping up and down and he had to prune the tree 
and all the leaves and yarrow stalks
 and the grape vines and the rosemary was so overgrown
 that tall doll couldn't find his hat 
  and big doll was graduating from doll school too 
and the mockingbird pecked the Blessing in the eye 
and there were dreams to write and essays to fly. 
The only parameter was Shorty who rolled completely over
 Lasty is feeding his dolls protein powder 
and remember to drink all you good doll friends, 
even if Uncle Gov says not.
 Aloes, mallows, yarrows, almonds, peaches and apricots!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Man Beside the Golden Door

In those myths
of the world long sought,
the stuff of poems
on a mountain top
where a man stands at a door
 of the path,
outlined from light within
and waves a lantern
at his side, a sign
for travelers in and out of time
and life to another world
those voyager walkers are dolls.
The seekers are dolls!
That's why the big sign
 over the door says
 Come One Come all
Never Give Up On A Doll!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dolphy of the Coasts

Just when we thought the greensward full 
Lasty was called downsea to ships, 
to train green Dolphy for the coming dives. 
That fellow had  need of a man to hone the bill,
bounce the dolphin ball to

whistle and tweet. 
Back and forth he goes, a beauty to behold.

In the pattern of the world dust
where red lion and dolphin lay to rest 
before they leap, or tucked fins in at sea,
the further out they crept
on walls and floors inset with jewels 
was available for song.

 Lasty last conversed the dolls 
who said mama, mama end to end,
when boy doll Nick, who also said
and drink in the midst of three grown athletes
jumped sofa to table to chair, lept floors 
then hid in momma's arms.

He cried "mama, mama" when it came time 
for shots or when zookeepers put on his clothes
like chicken feathers on a cow. 
Lasty's dolphins were black and blue
they worked so hard to get to that. 
Would the marine layer clear?

Thursday, December 1, 2011


"The man behind the door is sometimes outside the door.
 He knocks. But who is the one within," 

Lasty tells his wife who is a doll maker,
he says, "I wear the inner tuxedo."

"That's quite a tale."

But in this way Lasty makes them smile while he dresses dolls.  
He does their hair. 
 He brings in little dogs  to play. 
He takes care of the dogs when the dogs get other dogs 
and for that matter when the dogs of the dogs get dogs.

Lasty's dolls of all kinds are playing tea party.
The Barbies have to wear clothes, 
but he has bears and lions and foxes and dolphins.
 He has horses and cats and seals. 
He has Erik the Red, Raleigh, Columbus dolls and St Brend.
 He has to coach dolls, buy doll equipment, schedule doll practices,
 take dolls to the track and time their runs.
 He has to see that dolls do their homework.
 Come over to Lasty's and see for yourself. 
Tomorrow he may be painting dolls.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Doll Phones. Doll Growing at the Jason Morton Classic

When tall doll is growing.
Here are precautions you can take:
put to bed without cell phones.
A Stanley's Polish Sausage sandwich will help.
You may send your questions.

Dear Lasty, I notice that when my doll is growing it gets disoriented. What should I do?

Dear Questioner:

Do you mean they go out to places and call home
 to find out where they are?
Usually they are right around the corner.
This also happens in the yard.
Maps, directions don't help
because dolls don't follow directions.
It is best to let dolls talk to other dolls.
That way they get to where they are going.

When doll is in the field be in contact.
Keep doll phones on.

The invention in doll phones is they can talk.
Do you know the person on the other end is a doll?
 There are three tests. 
 1) Drivers can put a doll on their shoulder to tell them what to do,
 unless they think they are telling the doll, then the shoulder will drive, 
or 2) when the dolls are hurting they will tell how they are made.
 That stiffness comes from growing. Ingrown, outgrown, 
when the dolls outgrow their costumes we get more new. 
Grandma did this for years, but not among the Two Day Bear Dolls
 whose more trendy bareness is without caps! 
3) The younger doll is the less she wears.

Dolls will text when they get around to it.
They are always able to find other dolls
and doll makers can also  find dolls.

Price's Sun City Doll Open and El Paso Doll Show

Tall doll played the El Paso Doll Show.
He stayed at Super 8 for breakfast,
then went up the mountain for lunch.
 Dinner too. He ate Yoga Berry with toppings extra,
then Coldstone Cream. He ate burgers and fries.
 He ate everything Chumley the Mole ate
 when he dug a hole so deep they needed chains
 from the moon shot and seven fire engines to pull him out.
 When he got home and his momma had dinner ready,
he said, "I'm not hungry."
 Well tall doll played ball well.
He got a trophy up to his knee.

 He said, "it won't fit on my shelf."
 I put it like this, when you've been to Waco and then to El Paso, what's next?
 We book into the doll future Tucson!

The Western Interscholastic at Fresno Frieze. Front foot and distal slope.

When we drove the ten hours up
the Formic Freeways through Bakersfield
to the Fresno Draw,
tall doll argued the whole way out
that plunk and runs
while learning were hard.

Mountain Doll, mind enshrouded in mist declared

, "maybe there's another reason."

Doll snorted,
" why do I have turn left?"
Mountain said,
"it's the way to Fresno. "

This is high allegory stuff,
it deals with what distal slope
doll should do to Shape Game.

Big Game is not easy,
it lurches to the side of the road like trucks.
 To get that side is hard.
Doll circled left, snarled, growled, made truck noises in his nose.
Disconcerted rabbits and doves.
 Squirrels on top the bar of court twelve
 hid faces in their paws.
 Do not disturb the doll verse.

All these things have meaning. 
That was the trip way up. 
Once there, doll faced other dolls.
 It was not pretty. Why can't dolls get along? 
We videoed doll snorts. 
You can see where the eyes come out the forehead and down the nose. 
"Dig doll, " Mountain said, "roast undone." 
(If you want to talk to dolls use food.)
 When the oven dinged Mountain took out the roast.
 Tall doll got it. In case he didn't we videotaped:

Hit off the front foot,
hit off front foot, 
hit off front foot,
toute suite.

 Lasty and the dolls got home late from that trip.
This was dingy. Then they left again in the morning.
 Doll "hurt" its pinky turth be told, or not,
 which caused disappointment in fans from internet. 
Sorry Illinois fan. One down, ten to go. 
We can't go slow. We can't go fast. 
What should we do. Stop rocking the boat.

 There is more to follow. 
This is a picture of doll in his pope outfit 
with the nimbus skewed.
 We hope to get that straight. 
Some call it the Gloria. It is Introit. 
Doll Destiny! Yes, there were girl dolls too.

El Paso Doll Open


It is a way of speaking.
It does not mean they do.
Doll scholarships may exist,
then again it may be more dust.
It can get in your eyes.
It can disturb vision.

Full rides may exist.

Team Doll

Team Doll has an ongoing philosophy. In the midst we don't argue only about tennis. As here, the coach, a new grad himself of May 2, it's hard to know what to call him, whether guitar soloist, film maker, one who brings together opposites, so busy at the graduation he organized you'd think he was a whole committee, its stage hand, and entertainer, who gave a brief statement tongue in cheek. Maybe he will be a politician, but it is hard to find time off from schedules as tennis practitioner, computer repairman and builder, manipulator of sound and video, bending the light recovered from 12 hour shifts he works which have not yet entered into the designs of which he has so many clips to edit.Now he is an RN he would be happy to drive places he hasn't seen, a still camera in a rappin' truck. They used to say to Lasty, when they left their little blocks of incense, "keep on truckin." There are no pictures of the truck. You cannot see from the picture either the Team colors, the unshaven or the very best companionable traveller.

Las Vegas The Eighth Muterspaw Doll

Try to catch the sun between your fingers.
It might seem impossible.
There are all kinds of objections.
You're not allowed to do it.
Why do you have to control it?
The faint heart cry, that's an ultimatum!
But the sun doesn't mind.
No screeches from the light.
The sun shines for the bold.
This whole tournament coaches and parents raved, dolls taunted insults.
Some used four syllable words.
How will they fit with "international studs," those thinking beings?
After you pay in advance for clinics, they tell you all your doll life that if you're good you get a full ride, which means half or none. Six or 7 out of 10 rides go international. You want to play 4, 5 or 6 on a half ride you can hit with the bigs.

That evasion is followed with the further knowledge that if you play in doll college you can go pro. "And we will help you go pro." We will prepare you. So of the 1000s of dolls each year how many go pro? not 100, hardly 10, since it takes years to doll up, very hard work, expenses not included, and there's such an ongoing desperation for mortgage brokers and lawyers. Doll recruiters enlist players much as the army does, with the promise of a signing bonus, something you think for nothing, but then you find they own you for four years and you owe them 20 plus hours a week, plus every weekend, travel time in season. It keeps your other expenses to a minimum.

We play for no other sake but its own, enjoy catching the sun in its transit between our fingers in the mountains. It is the Doll Shop nobody knows.

So put aside what things are supposed to be. Down on the desert floor the action is hot, but up in the mountains, Mt. Charleston, it is not. Snow is on the ground. The dolls play, film, cook and cool. Got it.

Eco-Doll Kabuki

After absence from sea and land Lasty got a blue eyed dolphin and a black horse flaring nostrils.

The horse was stomping mad about the nostrils from the fate of the Pit Pony.

They used to capture them in Iceland to work in British coal mines to pull carts all their lives in the dark, as if they could get away with it, to make such habitation for a doll!

Lasty has a place for dolls to live when he is done washing, feeding and training.

No doll wants to live in a steam engine world after having been dumped in the canal and getting dragged through the mud with oil poured all over.

Oil is a problem like coal.

Lasty is taking the oil out of air which has powered the earth  these years.

Oillessness must spread, which is what the horses are for.

Harness the horses of air and pull the atmosphere, says Lasty.

Help send this Earth into space, says Lasty.

There are two universes the Brits want to escape, but there are more than two.

We say two because we know there is only one.

  The Red King and the Blue King don't want to help Lasty.

He hopes that saying that will be enough. If it isn't then Lasty will have to go all Eco-Doll Kabuki.

You don't want that!

Arizona Doll Open at Tucson

What is in doll's hands?
Used quarts of tea!
You should not frisk your dolls.
Especially when they just arrive.
But later go through their bags and pull out, here's where it gets tough, item: three long sleeve shirts. Why doesn't doll wear one? Item: 15 very smelly tenny balls. Item: 20 bars. Of what? You'd have to be a doughnut maker to know.

Once the dolls would leave their poems on the floor, leaves fallen in a wind. Later they would leave their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to rot in plastic bags. Those days are gone. Dolls used to hang their heads after close matches and lose by wild scores, now they smile and hug and win. It is not all pain. After every storm there is a calm. Dolls just need someone to lean on. This PM doll makers will be on court as usual with the doll associate driver and friend, seen here with bags and grin, he is safe to play with. No he will not admit it. He will argue about the moon. Oh no we are not done, never done with the life of dolls.

How To Put Doll to Bed

Assume you locate doll by sound, not clothes mess or books, TV screaming, pillow fall. Find vicinity by cries of play, like fire engines chug or mooch, "I think I can," a thousand times, but please remain calm. Do not grab. There is trouble in that place.
When doll sheds shoes, which is not too hard, put on back. Hands, feet will move. Eye contact doll, they love to taunt that way. Smile but do not coo, that will set doll off.

Locate shoe, socks under mess. Voice doll's name: "Doll Dolly Doll!" Tell not to count to twenty. Do not expect much by ten. Doll will squirm. Do not count fast. By ten, one sock appears on foot 'mid squawks of wrong. Thrown by the count tell doll repeat, but sneak other as doll boasts.

At thirteen doll is winding down, put one shoe on so doll can run, even talk, the other may come late. Ready doll transport. Dolls get tired, fall asleep. If more than one you have to carry (which we hope you have maybe three). Unconscious, dolls will rest. Give nice hug and tell them bye. That is what dolls love.

Reach up A Hand

Lasty had been in the wild. He went back to work to repair dolls that were broken. broke. Idea broke, one doll said, "biology's End at hand." Another said it was "the end of man."

"Doll," Lasty said, "be good!" Not distracted by the moon bat Mars colony, from Lasty's ladder you could see it better. He sent up a doll. The longer you look the more you see. Reach and touch.

To All Dollmakers

We can never be too careful with our dolls. We have a new doll out who rubs her stomach and says “I like pomes, I like pomes.” She rubs her stomach to remind us to watch out for many little poems that can be under eaten and undigested.

Little dolls can be dangerous too. We play a recording in our studio all the time. Podcasts of it are coming out by ear. Have you heard? It says, “THE BABY. THE BABY.”

This is not just a doll question. In Doll Nature, where saurian limos eat the cricket tunes you can just imagine that mess! "THE BABY!" "THE BABY!”

Brazos Duck Along with Waco National Doll Open

If you think this about the Open, then read on, but once you have seen the Brazos duck please keep moving. Everyone deserves a chance at this. It was raining on the duck. It was raining on the bridges. A perfect morning among the bridges. Is it necessary to say that? Now that we see it clearly the duck is moving. It was after this sight that Lasty went back into tennis. I mean he said to his doll, look at that duck's forehead, dude and he began to coach again. Things got a lot clearer after that.

Big doll and tall doll were excited. Lasty bought them burgers and they both hoped to see where Lasty made his first dolls, right southy in the arms of mother Austin, but Big Doll had to fly. Mother Austin had invited them to the outstanding banks of her Cen-Tex Dolls, weather and schedule permitting, (tall doll went all the way to the fifth floor in search of books), but really they just ate at Martin's, visited the Adams, saw the Tower (Experimental Science had a fence around it. They finally found out about the radioactivity of the Experimental Science Buliding. He, the rabbit, was an insider in a cage. You can't get into the building anymore to see it. They have roped it off.) Then they went to Lampasas.

Lasty had had his doll oil checked and the springs and muffler adjusted; it was only then that he took his dolls to Waco where they camped among the dreamers. It thundered and was 35 when his dolls went out to play. He was busy with scarves, boots, hats and ducks. That means anoracks and turtle necks.
Lasty wrote an aphorism about it. It goes like this: Look both ways you cross.

Did they have to go to Waco darlin'?
We will all have to go to Waco sometime.
It's right on the freeway.
This outing may be a turning point in the history of the little duck. The little duck has grown up. He is now a big duck. It may be a turning point in the history of the big duck. We shall see.

Doll Mess

What to do when dolls mess up, throw toys? Dolls can have terrible tempers. Lasty specializes in these, and why shouldn't they after all they have been through, washed up on the shore, beaten down by wind, feeling all kinds of contradiction. Even in birth the dolls experience it, not bliss, but pain, for life is pain. So what to do about doll messes. One doll will hit another. Another doll will cry, another won't eat, still another gets in real trouble, burns down somebody's doll house. That's bad.

Yes the abuses and the abused of dolls could be a book. Don't worry. According to Lasty's first premise, never give up on a doll, comes Lasty's second, which is, there is always another chance. It doesn't matter what you did. That's just the way doll life is. There is another chance and another chance and another chance. You can all love your dolls, even when they mess. Do not yell at your dolls, they are busy trying to be??? Lasty doesn't know it all, some think he makes it up as he goes. But here is the bottom line. Never give up on a doll.