Monday, January 17, 2011

Doll Mess

What to do when dolls mess up, throw toys? Dolls can have terrible tempers. Lasty specializes in these, and why shouldn't they after all they have been through, washed up on the shore, beaten down by wind, feeling all kinds of contradiction. Even in birth the dolls experience it, not bliss, but pain, for life is pain. So what to do about doll messes. One doll will hit another. Another doll will cry, another won't eat, still another gets in real trouble, burns down somebody's doll house. That's bad.

Yes the abuses and the abused of dolls could be a book. Don't worry. According to Lasty's first premise, never give up on a doll, comes Lasty's second, which is, there is always another chance. It doesn't matter what you did. That's just the way doll life is. There is another chance and another chance and another chance. You can all love your dolls, even when they mess. Do not yell at your dolls, they are busy trying to be??? Lasty doesn't know it all, some think he makes it up as he goes. But here is the bottom line. Never give up on a doll.

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