Thursday, May 17, 2018

One True Earth Doll Celebration

To think thy World

One Earth Doll Celebration

When the dolls of heaven combined to one
doll makers lined up with  applause.
Jarm of the Andes Doll Hang came
that hung from a thousand heights.
He invented Doll Hang out of nothing, 

Four Corners Navajo Naj came too.
He invented Two Toots Doll and Butterfly 
 and of course, Prayer Doll that gave offense 
that people thought Christian and surreal  
but Naj referred to First Mesa wise
 where a sing was held to divulge.

Other doll makers attended like Nach,
that have tribal names.  
Nach from Vegas was an entertainment doll, 
and Tower Doll and Big Lights Doll 
with thousands of people milling. 
He also invented Rain Doll, a departure from the main. 

Rain Doll shed tears over Vegas. 
and Tower Doll used as a mister 
and a fountain by Hilton, 
but I don't have to tell for you have seen.

Dolls came from four directions, 
so the other maker was Laugher Doll
not a clown so much as a sound. 
Dolls don't all have figures. Dolls can be thunder. 
Dolls can be water. Dolls can be creosote
outside cities that sway to music 
made by other wind dolls
and tree dolls if you know what I mean.

Laugher Doll wore a big smile hung for the proceedings
with Benediction Theology Doll
Laugher laughed. Children liked him most. 
He pointed at all the lumbering fat walks and laughed. 
He spread his arms at the clouds and laughed.
Most dolls are children anyway, 
so what's the deal? Anyway thay was the scene 
at celebrating the One True Doll.

After, we issued Pol Pot dolls, as left and right demand.  
On the left they make good counterpoint,  
for darts to sware at, ridiculed in place of life 
and on the right prayed that those good days  
when things were simple and people knew their place 
to be alive to drink a beer would out.  
Dolls restore vitality to neighbors.

That invigoration when you risk your life
to walk 10 miles for bread 
or crawl from collapsed buildings 
puts meaning not in penny slots. 
Penny slots means words TV columnists & hosts
to protect Pol Pots in this partial list
where names are changed to protect. 
The names will follow the dolls.

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