Monday, January 17, 2011

Here Come the Dolls

The dolls scattered at first land fall. Some went inland, others stayed by the sea. I saw the little children's dolls waving their hands at the anemones. Up and down the beach they went from star fish to sea fish. The little pools of water were glad to see them and they could see themselves. They cried out to Lasty. Come see! Come see! But Lasty was far out on the rocks exploring the sea caves. He looked like bladderwack. He looked like a clam stuck to a rock. Lasty is like that, sometimes you can't see him at all.

Some dolls went to Starbuck's and furniture stores. The pine tables had some dolls on them. Everybody greeted everybody for the world is full of dolls. The chests were decorated with black and yellow and green paint sanded down in layers to show them all. It made our country dolls happy. Other dolls walked the beach, the street, climbed cliffs, sat on benches. It was a good day to be a doll. People were walking their dolls up and down. Little dog dolls, little children dolls, bicycle dolls. There was a large seagull doll that sounded like a hawk if you closed your eyes and pinched your ears closed. But then it sounded like the sea. All the dolls were pinching. "I hear it, I hear it," they said. Then they started reeling about the beach blindfolded. "I feel it, I feel it," they said. What do you feel? "I feel the earth move!" Sometimes dolls can be a pill.

They had to go get Lasty finally to calm the things down. I say they, but it was me. Working for Lasty is fun, except if you slip on the rocks. The seaweed was everywhere. Finally I got out to where he was lounging at low tide. When he looked up I thought I saw the waves. So we collected our sea dolls and our beach dolls and the little dog dolls and gulls and hawks. I noticed that some old people dolls joined us; we also picked up a lot of Wong dolls too.

The dog dolls pushed and pulled the old people dolls, shouldn't they be called senior dolls, up the steep roads of the cliffs and we all got into our buses and went into town to pick up the shopper dolls and went back to the ship. There was a big five pie party that night. The dolls caroused. Some brought out hot cars. All in all I can't wait till we sail.

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