Monday, January 17, 2011

Las Vegas The Eighth Muterspaw Doll

Try to catch the sun between your fingers.
It might seem impossible.
There are all kinds of objections.
You're not allowed to do it.
Why do you have to control it?
The faint heart cry, that's an ultimatum!
But the sun doesn't mind.
No screeches from the light.
The sun shines for the bold.
This whole tournament coaches and parents raved, dolls taunted insults.
Some used four syllable words.
How will they fit with "international studs," those thinking beings?
After you pay in advance for clinics, they tell you all your doll life that if you're good you get a full ride, which means half or none. Six or 7 out of 10 rides go international. You want to play 4, 5 or 6 on a half ride you can hit with the bigs.

That evasion is followed with the further knowledge that if you play in doll college you can go pro. "And we will help you go pro." We will prepare you. So of the 1000s of dolls each year how many go pro? not 100, hardly 10, since it takes years to doll up, very hard work, expenses not included, and there's such an ongoing desperation for mortgage brokers and lawyers. Doll recruiters enlist players much as the army does, with the promise of a signing bonus, something you think for nothing, but then you find they own you for four years and you owe them 20 plus hours a week, plus every weekend, travel time in season. It keeps your other expenses to a minimum.

We play for no other sake but its own, enjoy catching the sun in its transit between our fingers in the mountains. It is the Doll Shop nobody knows.

So put aside what things are supposed to be. Down on the desert floor the action is hot, but up in the mountains, Mt. Charleston, it is not. Snow is on the ground. The dolls play, film, cook and cool. Got it.

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